Every scouting parent knows the drill of buying replacement slides three at a time to get you through the next few meetings because the likelihood of your child coming back...
Every scouting parent knows the drill of buying replacement slides three at a time to get you through the next few meetings because the likelihood of your child coming back after the meeting with their neckerchief just dangling is an all too familiar sight. The unmistakable sound of a slide as it hits the pavement during an activity makes you cringe and causes you to do an inventory in your head, hoping you have another replacement at home. It's the feeling that is universally felt by every scouting parent and leader that losing a slide and replacing them over and over again has just become an accepted cost of scouting. At Minimalist Gear Co. we are heavily involved in the scouting world and decided we needed to solve this once and for all!
Introducing the SlideStop! A Scout neckerchief Slide Holder. This unique solution offered in
It fits into the standard scout slides in a snap. Its flexible TPU construction along with internal concentric ribs grip the neckerchief tightly. The formed tabs on the top and bottom of The SlideStop along with the slot on the back, lock to the slide and keep it from moving. This promises that your scouts slide will never fall off again and you'll actually buy one slide and neckerchief a year for the first time!
*We will ship internationally, please message us for a quote.
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