Tenkara Gear Maintenance: Spring Cleaning Edition
When it comes to Tenkara gear maintenance, there are certain things you should regularly do to keep all of your gear in the best possible shape. However, we all live our own lives… and we all sometimes forget to do a few tasks here and there.
Spring is a great time to remember to really take the time to care for your gear. Organization, cleaning, and just all-around maintenance of your gear can all be done this spring. Read on for our spring cleaning tips!
Tenkara Gear Maintenance For Spring
Evaluate Your Rod
Taking care of your Tenkara rod is a must. You always want to be careful when transporting your rod to and from your fishing trips. Keeping it clean and well kept will only make your life easier and should be done regularly, especially after every trip.
This spring, however, really take the time to evaluate your rod. Make sure all parts and segments are clean and not damaged. A little bit of deep cleaning may be in order if you notice small parts are dirty from consistent use. If parts of your rod are damaged, replace them now to make your future life easier!
Check For Holes in Clothing
If you use waders, check for holes and wear spots that could make potential leaks happen. The same goes for your favorite pair of fishing boots — or just anything you wear while fishing. Just like with your rod, take stock of your items and evaluate them carefully. Patch anything up, if needed, or invest in new items!
Keep Lines Organized
Keeping your Tenkara lines nice and organized is just as important as keeping your rod safe and protected. Stores your lines correctly and ensure that they don’t get all tangled up. Trust us, this will just make your life much easier.
Need New Lines? Check out our new Level Line!
Clean Any Fabric
Even the best of travel backpacks can look like they desperately need a good wash after more than a few backpacking journeys. Cleaning your backpacks is a great task to get done this spring. Some backpacks are machine washable, others will have to be spot cleaned. Clean any other material or fabric used during fishing trips during this time, too. Scarves, bandanas, hats, and other items can sometimes be forgotten — so wash them this spring!
Stock and Replace
As you organize your gear, take inventory of what you need. Stock up and replace any damaged or faulty items. Prepare for the near future by keeping your items stocked, as well as organized in its own little designated area of your home!
Keep Your Gear Clean
Keeping your gear clean, organized, and well-stocked can be so helpful throughout the year when done in spring — and it doesn’t take long to do. Start with the most important task: taking care of your rod. Ensure it's in good, clean condition! Plus, organize your gear easily with The Keeper, the only Tenkara fly fishing tackle box you’ll ever need.